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Re-exports Web3Eth





  • decodeLog<ReturnType_1>(inputs: AbiParameter[], data: string, topics: string | string[]): ReturnType_1
  • Type parameters


    Returns ReturnType_1


  • decodeParameter(abi: AbiInput, bytes: string): unknown
  • Parameters

    Returns unknown


  • decodeParameters(abi: AbiInput[], bytes: string): { __length__: number }
  • Parameters

    Returns { __length__: number }

    • [key string]: unknown
    • __length__: number


  • decodeParametersWith(abis: AbiInput[], bytes: string, loose: boolean): { __length__: number }
  • Parameters

    • abis: AbiInput[]
    • bytes: string
    • loose: boolean

    Returns { __length__: number }

    • [key string]: unknown
    • __length__: number






  • encodeParameter(abi: AbiInput, param: unknown): string
  • Parameters

    Returns string


  • encodeParameters(abi: readonly AbiInput[], params: unknown[]): string
  • Parameters

    • abi: readonly AbiInput[]
    • params: unknown[]

    Returns string


  • flattenTypes(includeTuple: boolean, puts: readonly AbiParameter[]): string[]
  • Parameters

    Returns string[]


  • formatOddHexstrings(param: string): string
  • Parameters

    • param: string

    Returns string


  • formatParam(type: string, _param: unknown): unknown
  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • _param: unknown

    Returns unknown







  • isOddHexstring(param: unknown): boolean
  • Parameters

    • param: unknown

    Returns boolean




  • mapStructNameAndType(structName: string): AbiStruct
  • Parameters

    • structName: string

    Returns AbiStruct




  • modifyParams(coder: Coder, param: unknown[]): unknown
  • Parameters

    • coder: Coder
    • param: unknown[]

    Returns unknown







  • add(account: string | T): Wallet<T>
  • Parameters

    • account: string | T

    Returns Wallet<T>


  • clear(): Wallet<T>
  • Returns Wallet<T>


  • create(numberOfAccounts: number): Wallet<T>
  • Parameters

    • numberOfAccounts: number

    Returns Wallet<T>


  • decrypt(encryptedWallets: KeyStore[], password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<Wallet<T>>
  • Parameters

    • encryptedWallets: KeyStore[]
    • password: string
    • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<Wallet<T>>


  • encrypt(password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<KeyStore[]>
  • Parameters

    • password: string
    • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<KeyStore[]>


  • get(addressOrIndex: string | number): undefined | T
  • Parameters

    • addressOrIndex: string | number

    Returns undefined | T


  • load(password: string, keyName?: string): Promise<Wallet<T>>
  • Parameters

    • password: string
    • optionalkeyName: string

    Returns Promise<Wallet<T>>


  • remove(addressOrIndex: string | number): boolean
  • Parameters

    • addressOrIndex: string | number

    Returns boolean


  • save(password: string, keyName?: string): Promise<boolean>
  • Parameters

    • password: string
    • optionalkeyName: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>


  • getStorage(): undefined | WebStorage
  • Returns undefined | WebStorage




address: string


privateKey: string


  • encrypt(password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<KeyStore>
  • Parameters

    • password: string
    • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<KeyStore>


  • sign(data: string | Record<string, unknown>): { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }
  • Parameters

    • data: string | Record<string, unknown>

    Returns { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }

    • optionalreadonlymessage?: string
    • readonlymessageHash: string
    • readonlyr: string
    • readonlys: string
    • readonlysignature: string
    • readonlyv: string


  • signTransaction(tx: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<{ messageHash: string; r: string; rawTransaction: string; s: string; transactionHash: string; v: string }>
  • Parameters

    • tx: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<{ messageHash: string; r: string; rawTransaction: string; s: string; transactionHash: string; v: string }>




length: number


  • clear(): void
  • Returns void


  • getItem(key: string): null | string
  • Parameters

    • key: string

    Returns null | string


  • key(index: number): null | string
  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns null | string


  • removeItem(key: string): void
  • Parameters

    • key: string

    Returns void


  • setItem(key: string, value: string): void
  • Parameters

    • key: string
    • value: string

    Returns void


SignFunction: (data: string, privateKey: string) => SignResult

Type declaration

    • (data: string, privateKey: string): SignResult
    • Parameters

      • data: string
      • privateKey: string

      Returns SignResult


SignResult: SignatureObject & { message?: string; signature: string }


SignTransactionFunction: (transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>) => SignTransactionResult

Type declaration

    • (transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>): SignTransactionResult
    • Parameters

      • transaction: TxData | AccessListEIP2930TxData | FeeMarketEIP1559TxData | Record<string, unknown>

      Returns SignTransactionResult


SignTransactionResult: SignatureObject & { rawTransaction: string; transactionHash: string }


SignatureObject: { messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; v: string }

Type declaration

  • messageHash: string
  • r: string
  • s: string
  • v: string


keyStoreSchema: { properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { type: string }; crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }; id: { type: string }; version: { type: string } }
    • address: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • crypto: { properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }; required: string[]; type: string }
      • properties: { cipher: { type: string }; cipherparams: { type: string }; ciphertext: { type: string }; kdf: { type: string }; kdfparams: { type: string }; mac: { type: string }; salt: { type: string } }
        • cipher: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • cipherparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • ciphertext: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdf: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • kdfparams: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • mac: { type: string }
          • type: string
        • salt: { type: string }
          • type: string
      • required: string[]
      • type: string
    • id: { type: string }
      • type: string
    • version: { type: string }
      • type: string
  • required: string[]
  • type: string


  • create(): Web3Account
  • Returns Web3Account


  • decrypt(keystore: string | KeyStore, password: string | Buffer, nonStrict?: boolean): Promise<Web3Account>
  • Parameters

    • keystore: string | KeyStore
    • password: string | Buffer
    • optionalnonStrict: boolean

    Returns Promise<Web3Account>



  • hashMessage(message: string): string
  • Parameters

    • message: string

    Returns string


  • parseAndValidatePrivateKey(data: Bytes, ignoreLength?: boolean): Buffer
  • Parameters

    • data: Bytes
    • optionalignoreLength: boolean

    Returns Buffer


  • privateKeyToAccount(privateKey: Bytes, ignoreLength?: boolean): Web3Account
  • Parameters

    • privateKey: Bytes
    • optionalignoreLength: boolean

    Returns Web3Account


  • privateKeyToAddress(privateKey: Bytes): string
  • Parameters

    Returns string


  • recover(data: string | SignatureObject, signatureOrV?: string, prefixedOrR?: string | boolean, s?: string, prefixed?: boolean): string
  • Parameters

    • data: string | SignatureObject
    • optionalsignatureOrV: string
    • optionalprefixedOrR: string | boolean
    • optionals: string
    • optionalprefixed: boolean

    Returns string


  • recoverTransaction(rawTransaction: string): string
  • Parameters

    • rawTransaction: string

    Returns string


  • sign(data: string, privateKey: Bytes): SignResult
  • Parameters

    • data: string
    • privateKey: Bytes

    Returns SignResult


  • signTransaction(transaction: TypedTransaction, privateKey: string): Promise<SignTransactionResult>
  • Parameters

    • transaction: TypedTransaction
    • privateKey: string

    Returns Promise<SignTransactionResult>




Re-exports Contract


Renames and re-exports Contract




  • new LogsSubscription(args: { abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }; address?: string; jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature; topics?: (string | string[])[] }, options: { requestManager: Web3RequestManager<EthExecutionAPI>; returnFormat?: DataFormat }): LogsSubscription
  • Parameters

    Returns LogsSubscription


abi: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }


address?: string


args: { abi: AbiEventFragment; address?: string; topics?: (string | string[])[] }

Type declaration

  • abi: AbiEventFragment
  • optionaladdress?: string
  • optionaltopics?: (string | string[])[]


jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature


topics?: (string | string[])[]


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K
    • params: { changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }>


    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ changed: EventLog & { removed: true }; connected: number; data: EventLog; error: Error }[K]>

    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>




filter?: Record<string, unknown>


fromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag


topics?: string[]




data?: Bytes


from?: string


gas?: string


gasLimit?: string


gasPrice?: string


provider?: string | SupportedProviders<EthExecutionAPI>




address?: string


data?: Bytes


from?: string


gas?: string


gasLimit?: string


gasPrice?: string


  • get jsonInterface(): ContractAbiWithSignature
  • set jsonInterface(value: ContractAbi): void
  • Returns ContractAbiWithSignature

  • Parameters

    Returns void




address: string


blockHash?: string


blockNumber?: string | number | bigint


data: string


event: string


id?: string


logIndex?: string | number | bigint


raw?: { data: string; topics: unknown[] }

Type declaration

  • data: string
  • topics: unknown[]


returnValues: Record<string, unknown>


signature?: string


topics: string[]


transactionHash?: string


transactionIndex?: string | number | bigint




chainId?: string


data?: string


from?: string


gas?: string


gasPrice?: string


maxFeePerGas?: string


maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string


nonce?: string


to?: string


type?: string | number


NonPayableMethodObject<Inputs, Outputs>:

Type parameters

  • Inputs = unknown[]
  • Outputs = unknown[]


arguments: Inputs


  • call<SpecialOutput>(tx?: NonPayableCallOptions, block?: BlockNumberOrTag): Promise<SpecialOutput>
  • Type parameters

    • SpecialOutput = Outputs


    Returns Promise<SpecialOutput>


  • encodeABI(): string
  • Returns string


  • estimateGas<ReturnFormat>(options?: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionaloptions: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • send(tx?: NonPayableCallOptions): Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>
  • Parameters

    • optionaltx: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>




chainId?: string


data?: string


from?: string


gas?: string


gasPrice?: string


maxFeePerGas?: string


maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string


nonce?: string


to?: string


type?: string | number


value?: string


PayableMethodObject<Inputs, Outputs>:

Type parameters

  • Inputs = unknown[]
  • Outputs = unknown[]


arguments: Inputs


  • call<SpecialOutput>(tx?: PayableCallOptions, block?: BlockNumberOrTag): Promise<SpecialOutput>
  • Type parameters

    • SpecialOutput = Outputs


    Returns Promise<SpecialOutput>


  • encodeABI(): string
  • Returns string


  • estimateGas<ReturnFormat>(options?: PayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionaloptions: PayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • send(tx?: PayableCallOptions): Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>
  • Parameters

    • optionaltx: PayableCallOptions

    Returns Web3PromiEvent<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint }, SendTransactionEvents<{ bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }>>


ContractAbiWithSignature: ReadonlyArray<AbiFragment & { signature: HexString }>


ContractBoundEvent: (options?: ContractEventOptions) => LogsSubscription

Type declaration

    • (options?: ContractEventOptions): LogsSubscription
    • Parameters

      • optionaloptions: ContractEventOptions

      Returns LogsSubscription


ContractEventEmitterInterface<Abi>: { [ EventAbi in FilterAbis<Abi, AbiFunctionFragment & { type: event }> as EventAbi[name] ]: ContractEvent<EventAbi>[Inputs] }

Type parameters


ContractEventsInterface<Abi, Events>: { [ Name in keyof Events | allEvents ]: ContractBoundEvent } & {}

Type parameters


ContractMethodsInterface<Abi>: { [ MethodAbi in FilterAbis<Abi, AbiFunctionFragment & { type: function }> as MethodAbi[name] ]: ContractBoundMethod<MethodAbi> } & {}

Type parameters


ContractOverloadedMethodInputs<AbiArr>: NonNullable<AbiArr extends readonly [] ? undefined : AbiArr extends readonly [infer A, ...infer R] ? A extends AbiFunctionFragment ? ContractMethodInputParameters<A[inputs]> | ContractOverloadedMethodInputs<R> : undefined : undefined>

Type parameters

  • AbiArr: ReadonlyArray<unknown>


ContractOverloadedMethodOutputs<AbiArr>: NonNullable<AbiArr extends readonly [] ? undefined : AbiArr extends readonly [infer A, ...infer R] ? A extends AbiFunctionFragment ? ContractMethodOutputParameters<A[outputs]> | ContractOverloadedMethodOutputs<R> : undefined : undefined>

Type parameters

  • AbiArr: ReadonlyArray<unknown>


NonPayableTxOptions: NonPayableCallOptions


PayableTxOptions: PayableCallOptions


TransactionReceipt: TransactionReceiptBase<Numbers, Bytes, Bytes, Log>


Web3ContractContext: Partial<Web3ContextInitOptions<EthExecutionAPI, { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription }>>



  • decodeEventABI(event: AbiBaseFragment & { anonymous?: boolean; inputs?: readonly AbiParameter[]; name: string; type: string } & { signature: string }, data: LogsInput, jsonInterface: ContractAbiWithSignature, returnFormat?: DataFormat): EventLog
  • Parameters

    Returns EventLog



  • Parameters

    Returns { address?: string; filter: Filter; fromBlock?: Numbers; toBlock?: Numbers; topics?: (string | string[])[] }

    • optionaladdress?: string
    • filter: Filter
    • optionalfromBlock?: Numbers
    • optionaltoBlock?: Numbers
    • optionaltopics?: (string | string[])[]








providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration


registryAddress: string


givenProvider?: SupportedProviders<never>


providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration




  • get blockHeaderTimeout(): number
  • set blockHeaderTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultAccount(): undefined | string
  • set defaultAccount(val: undefined | string): void
  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | string

    Returns void



  • get defaultChain(): string
  • set defaultChain(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultCommon(): undefined | Common
  • set defaultCommon(val: undefined | Common): void
  • Returns undefined | Common

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultHardfork(): string
  • set defaultHardfork(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(): Numbers
  • set defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultNetworkId(): undefined | Numbers
  • set defaultNetworkId(val: undefined | Numbers): void
  • Returns undefined | Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultTransactionType(): Numbers
  • set defaultTransactionType(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get enableExperimentalFeatures(): { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }
  • set enableExperimentalFeatures(val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }): void
  • Returns { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    • useRpcCallSpecification: boolean
    • useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean
  • Parameters

    • val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    Returns void



  • get handleRevert(): boolean
  • set handleRevert(val: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • val: boolean

    Returns void


  • get maxListenersWarningThreshold(): number
  • set maxListenersWarningThreshold(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

  • Parameters

    Returns void




  • get transactionBlockTimeout(): number
  • set transactionBlockTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationBlocks(): number
  • set transactionConfirmationBlocks(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingInterval(): number
  • set transactionPollingInterval(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingTimeout(): number
  • set transactionPollingTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionReceiptPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionReceiptPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionSendTimeout(): number
  • set transactionSendTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void




  • checkNetwork(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getAddress(ENSName: string, coinType?: number): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string
    • optionalcoinType: number

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>





  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • getOwner(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>



  • getResolver(name: string): Promise<Contract<readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ internalType: contract ENS; name: _ens; type: address }, { internalType: contract INameWrapper; name: wrapperAddress; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedETHController; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedReverseRegistrar; type: address }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: constructor }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }]; name: ABIChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: clearDNSZone; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: data; type: bytes[] }]; name: multicall; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: results; type: bytes[] }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setABI; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: a; type: bytes }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: setApprovalForAll; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setContenthash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setDNSRecords; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: setInterface; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: newName; type: string }]; name: setName; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: setPubkey; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }, { internalType: string; name: value; type: string }]; name: setText; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setZonehash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Promise<Contract<readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ internalType: contract ENS; name: _ens; type: address }, { internalType: contract INameWrapper; name: wrapperAddress; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedETHController; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedReverseRegistrar; type: address }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: constructor }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }]; name: ABIChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: clearDNSZone; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: data; type: bytes[] }]; name: multicall; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: results; type: bytes[] }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setABI; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: a; type: bytes }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: setApprovalForAll; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setContenthash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setDNSRecords; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: setInterface; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: newName; type: string }]; name: setName; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: setPubkey; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }, { internalType: string; name: value; type: string }]; name: setText; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setZonehash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>


  • getTTL(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • isApprovedForAll(owner: string, operator: string, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    • owner: string
    • operator: string
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • link<T>(parentContext: T): void
  • Type parameters


    • parentContext: T

    Returns void


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • recordExists(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setApprovalForAll(operator: string, approved: boolean, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • operator: string
    • approved: boolean
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • setContenthash(name: string, hash: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • hash: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>



  • setPubkey(name: string, x: string, y: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • x: string
    • y: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setRecord(name: string, owner: string, resolver: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • owner: string
    • resolver: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setResolver(name: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint } | { code: bigint; innerError: undefined | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; } | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; }[]; name: string; reason: string; signature: string; stack: undefined | string; toJSON: any }>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint } | { code: bigint; innerError: undefined | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; } | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; }[]; name: string; reason: string; signature: string; stack: undefined | string; toJSON: any }>


  • setSubnodeOwner(node: string, label: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • node: string
    • label: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setSubnodeRecord(name: string, label: string, owner: string, resolver: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • label: string
    • owner: string
    • resolver: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • optionalreturnFormat: DataFormat

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setTTL(name: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • supportsInterface(ENSName: string, interfaceId: string): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string
    • interfaceId: string

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>


  • Type parameters


    Returns T



registryAddresses: {}

Type declaration

  • [T string]: string




Re-exports Iban


Renames and re-exports Iban


IbanOptions: { identifier: string; institution: string }

Type declaration

  • identifier: string
  • institution: string




Re-exports Personal


Renames and re-exports Personal






args: { address?: string | string[]; fromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag; topics?: string[] }

Type declaration

  • optionalreadonlyaddress?: string | string[]
  • optionalreadonlyfromBlock?: BlockNumberOrTag
  • optionalreadonlytopics?: string[]


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • _processSubscriptionError(error: Error): void
  • Parameters

    • error: Error

    Returns void


  • _processSubscriptionResult(data: LogsOutput): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: LogsOutput }[K]): void
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K
    • params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: LogsOutput }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]





  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>





args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: BlockHeaderOutput }[K]): void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]





  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>





args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }[K]): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    • eventName: K
    • params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters

    • K: Web3EventKey<CommonSubscriptionEvents & { data: string }>


    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>





args: any


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • Returns undefined | string


  • Returns undefined | BlockOutput


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { changed: boolean; data: SyncOutput }[K]): void
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K
    • params: CommonSubscriptionEvents & { changed: boolean; data: SyncOutput }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters


    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • Type parameters


    Returns void


  • Type parameters


    Returns void


  • Type parameters


    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • resubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • subscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>


  • unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
  • Returns Promise<void>




Type parameters

  • ResolveType = TransactionReceipt


  • transactionResolver(receipt: TransactionReceipt): ResolveType
  • Parameters

    • receipt: TransactionReceipt

    Returns ResolveType



Type parameters

  • ResolveType = TransactionReceipt


ignoreGasPricing?: boolean


  • transactionResolver(receipt: TransactionReceipt): ResolveType
  • Parameters

    • receipt: TransactionReceipt

    Returns ResolveType

Type Aliases


InternalTransaction: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>


SendSignedTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: { confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }; contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>; error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>; sending: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; sent: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat> }

Type parameters

Type declaration


SendTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: { confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }; contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>; error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>; sending: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; sent: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat> }

Type parameters

Type declaration



accessListItemSchema: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
    • address: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


accessListSchema: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
    • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
      • address: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
        • items: { eth: string }
          • eth: string
        • type: string
    • type: string
  • type: string


accountSchema: { properties: { accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; balance: { eth: string }; codeHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; storageHash: { eth: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; balance: { eth: string }; codeHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; storageHash: { eth: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • balance: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • codeHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }
          • key: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
          • value: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


blockHeaderSchema: { properties: { difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string } }
    • difficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • extraData: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • miner: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • number: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • parentHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • receiptRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • sha3Uncles: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • stateRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • timestamp: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


blockSchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }; difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; hash: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; mixHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptsRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; size: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; totalDifficulty: { eth: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string }; uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }; difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; hash: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; mixHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptsRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; size: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; totalDifficulty: { eth: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string }; uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • difficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • extraData: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • miner: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • mixHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • number: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • parentHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • receiptsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • sha3Uncles: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • size: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • stateRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • timestamp: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • totalDifficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ items: { eth?: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[]
    • transactionsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


chainSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


customChainSchema: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • name: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


feeHistorySchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { eth: string }; reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { eth: string }; reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { type: string }
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • oldestBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
        • items: { eth: string }
          • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


hardforkSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string }

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


logSchema: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }
    • address: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • removed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • transactionHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


registeredSubscriptions: { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newPendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; pendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; syncing: typeof SyncingSubscription }

Type declaration


storageProofSchema: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • key: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


syncSchema: { properties: { currentBlock: { eth: string }; highestBlock: { eth: string }; knownStates: { eth: string }; pulledStates: { eth: string }; startingBlock: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { currentBlock: { eth: string }; highestBlock: { eth: string }; knownStates: { eth: string }; pulledStates: { eth: string }; startingBlock: { eth: string } }
    • currentBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • highestBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • knownStates: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • pulledStates: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • startingBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionInfoSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
            • chainId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • name: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • networkId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • hash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • input: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • r: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • s: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[]
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • v: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionReceiptSchema: { properties: { blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; contractAddress: { eth: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; root: { eth: string }; status: { eth: string }; to: { eth: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; contractAddress: { eth: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; root: { eth: string }; status: { eth: string }; to: { eth: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string } }
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • contractAddress: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • blockHash: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • blockNumber: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • data: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • logIndex: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • removed: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
          • transactionHash: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • root: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • status: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
            • chainId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • name: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • networkId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • input: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • r: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • s: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ eth: string; type?: undefined } | { eth?: undefined; type: string })[]
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • v: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string




  • detectTransactionType(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }, web3Context?: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>): undefined | string
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }
    • optionalweb3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>

    Returns undefined | string



  • formatTransaction<ReturnFormat, TransactionType>(transaction: TransactionType, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): FormatType<TransactionType, ReturnFormat>
  • Type parameters


    • transaction: TransactionType
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns FormatType<TransactionType, ReturnFormat>





  • getBlockTransactionCount<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>
    • block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array
    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getBlockUncleCount<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters


    • web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>
    • block: undefined | string | number | bigint | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array
    • returnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
















  • getTransactionReceipt<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, transactionHash: Bytes, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | undefined>
















  • sign<ReturnFormat>(web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>, message: Bytes, addressOrIndex: string | number, returnFormat: ReturnFormat): Promise<string | { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }>
  • Type parameters


    Returns Promise<string | { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }>



  • Type parameters

    • ReturnType_1 = Record<string, unknown>


    Returns Promise<ReturnType_1>


  • validateBaseChain(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateChainInfo(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateCustomChainInfo(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateFeeMarketGas(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateGas(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateHardfork(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void


  • validateLegacyGas(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }

    Returns void



  • validateTransactionForSigning(transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }, overrideMethod?: (transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }) => void): void
  • Parameters

    • transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }
    • optionaloverrideMethod: (transaction: { accessList?: { readonly address?: string | undefined; readonly storageKeys?: string[] | undefined; }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { customChain: { name?: string | undefined; networkId: string; chainId: string; }; baseChain?: ValidChains | undefined; hardfork?: Hardfork | undefined; }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }) => void

    Returns void
